Medical marijuana legalized in many states has led to a strong interest in the therapeutic effects for many disorders, including Parkinson’s. Recent surveys where clinical trials were conducted on Parkinson’s patients have shown a reduction in the severity of symptoms in the patients. This has established hope for the patients and their families. However, if your doctor issues your medical marijuana card, consider these pros and cons before administration the medicine for your loved ones.

PD and Medicinal Marijuana Trials

Marijuana contains a variety of neuroactive elements that work with cannabinoid receptors. Type 1, also known as CB1, is located in the brain, and Type 2, also known as CB 2 is situated in the brain and immune system.

The two different types of cannabis interact with these cannabinoid receptors: agonists and antagonists. When attached to the receptors, the antagonist blocks the action of the natural chemical. On the other hand, the agonists stimulate the receptors to produce the chemicals.

These varying amounts of elements and their adverse effects make it difficult to conduct conclusive tests on cannabis.

The literature on the use of medical marijuana varies due to this. While some tests have shown positive results for Parkinson’s disease, there is also an equal amount of evidence that has exacerbated the symptoms in the patients.

Below are some pros and cons of using recreational and medical cannabis that doctors and scientists have extracted after conducting the trials


Medical marijuana reduces the motor and non-motor symptoms in the patients. The motor symptoms include bradykinesia, tremors, rigidity, and postures. The non-motor functions include sleep deprivation and pain. During the demonstration, 85 patients were given half a teaspoon of marijuana and their prescribed pharmacotherapy. The patients showed recovery in their motor and non-motor functions after 1.7 months.

THC, a neuroactive in cannabis, improves the coordination between hand and eye. It also facilitates Rapid Eye Movements (REM) in the patients, which recovers the sleep disorders in the patients. The demonstrations further reported that patients had a calming effect on their tremors and rigidity in limbs.

Lastly, depression is a common symptom in patients with Parkinson’s disease. THC also regulates the release of endocannabinoids in the blood. Endocannabinoids released by the receptors are responsible for elevating mood, pleasure, sensory movement, and actions. This helps overcome the depression symptoms in the patients using controlled marijuana doses compared to non-users.


Like any medicine, medical marijuana also has side effects essential for you to know. The adverse effects of cannabis include cognitive impairments in working memory and verbal memory. Although it has a positive association with depression, it can worsen mood disorders and fear symptoms.

Marijuana usage is also associated with weight gain in patients as the drug can increase calorie intake.

With excessive usage, patients also demonstrate dependency on the drug, and not taking it may cause withdrawal symptoms in the patients.


The Indica MD provides you with medical marijuana card online. Our expert doctors and health professionals will tell you the risks and benefits of medical cannabis to administer effectively.

Contact us for consultation with our marijuana doctors NY
