Cannabis contains the cannbinoid called cannabidiol (CBD), which has been scientifically proven to have a number of therapeutic effects. Here are a few ways CBD oil can be good for your health.

Reduces Acne

Acne affects 9.4% of the population worldwide, and is caused by clogged pores, overstimulation of the sebaceous glands, and genetics.

The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD make it an effective way to regulate the production of sebum and reduce the onset of acne. It prevents the activation of cytokines which prevents acne from spreading. Multiple studies have shown the potential benefits of CBD for treating acne, safely and efficiently, without any adverse effects.

Combats Social Anxiety

CBD oil also helps in treating mental health disorders and improving overall mental well-being. A 2011 study has also shown the effectiveness of CBD for individuals with social anxiety. The cannabinoid improves the brain activity in the limbic and paralimbic areas, and helps ease the anxiety symptoms.

Another study looked at 24 participants with social anxiety disorder who received CBD before they were supposed to appear for a public speaking test. The individuals who took CBD displayed less cognitive impairment and discomfort, and observed to feeling more relaxed and confident during the test.

Lowers the Risk of Diabetes

Diabetes is yet another medical condition that can be treated using CBD oil. In a clinical experiment, the effects of CBD were tested out on diabetes-prone mice. The results showed that as opposed to the entire group of untreated mice that saw no improvement in their condition, only 32% of the mice from the group that received CBD showed symptoms of diabetes.

Although this study showed the effects of CBD in mice, ongoing researches and clinical trials have shown similar results in humans as well.

The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD make it an effective way to regulate the production of sebum and reduce the onset of acne. It prevents the activation of cytokines which prevents acne from spreading. Multiple studies have shown the potential benefits of CBD for treating acne, safely and efficiently, without any adverse effects.

Combats Social Anxiety

CBD oil also helps in treating mental health disorders and improving overall mental well-being. A 2011 study has also shown the effectiveness of CBD for individuals with social anxiety. The cannabinoid improves the brain activity in the limbic and paralimbic areas, and helps ease the anxiety symptoms.

Another study looked at 24 participants with social anxiety disorder who received CBD before they were supposed to appear for a public speaking test. The individuals who took CBD displayed less cognitive impairment and discomfort, and observed to feeling more relaxed and confident during the test.

Lowers the Risk of Diabetes

Diabetes is yet another medical condition that can be treated using CBD oil. In a clinical experiment, the effects of CBD were tested out on diabetes-prone mice. The results showed that as opposed to the entire group of untreated mice that saw no improvement in their condition, only 32% of the mice from the group that received CBD showed symptoms of diabetes.

Although this study showed the effects of CBD in mice, ongoing researches and clinical trials have shown similar results in humans as well.