In the United States, diabetes affects an estimated 37.3 million individuals, as reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC also reports over 96 million individuals aged 18 or older and 26.4 million people aged 65 or older have pre-diabetes, which frequently develops to type 2 diabetes and other health issues.

When a person has diabetes, either their body stops responding normally to insulin (type 1 diabetes) or becomes resistant to insulin (type 2 diabetes). Insulin is a key hormone that facilitates the uptake of glucose (sugar) from the blood into the cells of the body.

Hyperglycemia (High blood sugar) occurs when the body cannot properly use glucose because of insufficient insulin production or a lack of glucose-using enzymes in the blood. A stroke, vision loss, kidney failure, and heart disease are all possible outcomes. In the worst cases, this can result in amputation of the affected person’s limbs.

Coccinia Indica extracts are one of the many methods used to regulate blood glucose levels in the body.

What Is Coccinia Indica?

Coccinia Indica, or ivy gourd, is a vine native to tropical regions. It is also known as a baby watermelon or a little gourd. It has a long history of usage in Ayurvedic medicine, dating back hundreds of years, for managing peoples’ blood sugar levels. This plant is particularly effective in treating diabetes because it reduces both blood glucose and blood fat levels.

Treatment Of Diabetes With Coccinia Indica

Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated that the herb Coccinia Indica successfully reduces blood glucose levels in diabetic patients.

Another study discovered that Coccinia Indica decreased blood sugar levels by over 20%. Sixty people with type 2 diabetes but relatively moderate cases participated in the study; all of them were not taking any medication to regulate their blood sugar levels. Half of the subjects received a daily dose of 1 gram of Coccinia Indica extract, and the other half received a placebo.

After 90 days, those administered the herbal extract showed a nearly 18% reduction in post-prandial (after meal) blood glucose levels without a corresponding decrease in blood fat levels.

Coccinia Indica has been shown to have some positive effects, but it is not yet known why. More research is needed to understand this phenomenon better.

A spoon full of sugar

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