Marijuana has been demonized as a dangerous drug that can induce psychosis for nearly a century now, with the most famous propaganda piece about its usage coming out in the 1930s. However, as more and more states have begun to legalize its use, scientists and doctors have started studying marijuana usage and its potential benefits in medical sciences more thoroughly.

As more research is conducted on the benefits of marijuana in treating diseases, we find that it can benefit people who have PTSD, epilepsy, and even dementia. In today’s blog, we will discuss some of the benefits of using medical cannabis to treat individuals with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia.

Treating Dementia without Medical Marijuana

We will start this off by giving a disclaimer that no one is claims that medical marijuana usage can “cure” dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

However, it can be used to better manage the symptoms of the disease without needing to rely on opioid medication, which can put individuals in a ‘doped’ state. Moreover,  these opioids can very quickly become highly addictive, with patients becoming dependent on the medication.

Common Behavioral Symptoms of Dementia

The biggest benefits of medical marijuana is in helping manage the behavioral changes and symptoms associated with dementia. While the exact symptoms and their intensity may vary from one individual to another, they generally follow a similar pattern.

In earlier stages of dementia, patients are likely to experience excessive anxiety, depression, and irritability when interacting with others. As the disease progresses, these symptoms may turn toward excessive aggression, agitation, emotional distress, and physical and verbal outbursts.

marijuana plant

Current Research

Current research on using medical marijuana to treat dementia focuses on the above-mentioned behavioral symptoms. Instead of inducing a ‘doped’ state of mind, medical marijuana can help manage these symptoms by helping patients stay calm. Research shows that THC and CBD have both proved to be beneficial when treating the behavioral symptoms and can help reduce agitation and outbursts, without putting patients in a foggy state of mind.

As more research is done on the topic, more hope comes out that a non-addictive solution to managing dementia is possible. If you or a loved one requires medical marijuana in New York, reach out to us at Indica MD to connect with a marijuana doctor who can both issue a medical marijuana card and prescribe cannabis to you as a treatment.