To fully tap into the range of benefits the cannabis plant offers, there is plenty of scientific research dedicated to the plant’s organic makeup and its effect on the human body.

This scientific research has also seeped into common discussions, and most of us know that the two primary components of marijuana are CBD and THC. CBD is primarily responsible for pain relief and calming while THC provides a psychoactive effect. This has also led to a range of CBD and THC products on the market, and consumers can pick and choose them according to preference.

However, a look into the scientific literature about marijuana shows that over 120 organic components are present in the plant, all of which serve different purposes. While most of the discussion is centered on THC and CBD, scientists now recommend that both elements perform best only when combined with the other organic components present in the plant.

Read on to find out more about the two other marijuana components that are often ignored in mainstream discourse but are as important as CBD and THC in regards to their beneficial effect on the human body.

Two Beneficial Organic Components Found in Marijuana

One of the significant benefits of consuming marijuana is its all-natural status. While it would be inaccurate to claim that all natural things are beneficial, marijuana’s plant-based origins, combined with the research on its benefits, make it healthy to consume.

Here are three chemical components of marijuana that target different aspects of our health:

1. Terpenes

Terpenes are organic chemicals responsible for the flavor and aroma of a plant. They are found in most plants and in cannabis; they determine the smell and taste of different strains. While terpenes are supposed to protect plants from harsh weather, for the human body, they work in tandem with the main components of marijuana, CBD, and THC, to make the drug more effective and potent.

This is called the entourage effect, which claims that CBD and THC work best when taken with terpenes as they all work in harmony and neutralize unpleasant effects.

2. Flavonoids

Flavonoids are nutrients for plants and act as a defensive mechanism for them, protecting them from any outside harm, such as bacteria or other insects. This component is also responsible for giving plants their appearance; therefore, the composition of flavonoids in a cannabis plant gives each strain of marijuana its aroma, pigment, and taste.

Flavonoids work alongside CBD, THC, and terpenes to produce the entourage effect. Just like in plants, cannabis flavonoids act as anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agents and help protect it from different diseases.

Final Thoughts

The cannabis plant is greater than the sum of its parts. Only when consumed with all its glorious chemistry of its organic components does it fully reveal its medical and therapeutic benefits. Medical marijuana, therefore, can be quite a lifesaver for people suffering from chronic illnesses.

If you are looking to get a medical marijuana license in areas of New York, such as Manhattan, register now and get an instant evaluation from your state-licensed physician and obtain a medical marijuana card.