Cannabis, or marijuana, is a herb that has been utilized for both medicinal and ceremonial purposes for at least five thousand years. Cannabis, commonly known as marijuana, has been used by people with cancer to lessen the distressing symptoms of the disease and its treatment. However, research has been limited due to the ever-changing legal status. But how well do we understand its efficacy and safety?

Recently, medical cannabis has been widely prescribed to alleviate chemotherapy-related adverse effects like nausea, loss of appetite, and exhaustion. But some claims go even further, saying that cannabis can prevent and treat cancer. Examining actual outcomes from credible clinical tests is the only way to determine whether or not cannabis has the potential to cure cancer for the vast majority of people with cancer.

On that note, let’s look at how medical marijuana helps deal with cancer.

How Does It Help With Cancer Treatments?

Medical marijuana has many potential applications, one of which is mitigating the unpleasant effects of chemotherapy. While chemotherapy effectively eliminates rapidly dividing cancer cells, it is administered systemically, putting healthy cells at risk as well.

Treatment patients often experience severe nausea and vomiting because their bodies mount an aggressive defense against the perceived threat posed by the chemotherapy. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, one of the components in marijuana, has been shown to significantly reduce nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy.

Medical marijuana is effective against these negative effects and can also increase your hunger, which is crucial for getting the nutrients your body requires to combat cancer. Neuropathy caused by cancer treatment is another condition where medical marijuana has proven effective. The cannabinoids in cannabis have been shown to reduce the discomfort of neuropathy, which can develop as a side effect of some cancer treatments.

How Does It Help With Cancer Itself?

Even while side effects from cancer drugs are a worry, the disease is still a major factor. Medical marijuana can help suppress the pain signals that cancer sends to the brain, reducing the patient’s perception of the agony. To put it another way, the endocannabinoid system, which helps control pain, is activated when the chemicals in marijuana connect to the receptors in your body.

Emerging research show promise that cannabinoids in cannabis could help fight cancer. Multiple studies in cell cultures and animal studies have demonstrated the anticancer benefits of cannabis in a wide range of cancers, according to the research cited. Since these experiments were conducted in a controlled environment without the participation of individuals, more study is required. All the same, these early findings are encouraging.


medicinal marijuana


If you or someone has been affected by cancer and wants to use cannabis to alleviate the pain caused by its treatment, or the disease itself, then you’ll require a medical certificate, and who better than Indica MD for it?

We are one of the best providers of medical marijuana cards. Whether you’re in New York, California, or Minnesota, we have you covered. Get in touch with us and sign up for your medical marijuana card.